Vegan Gluten-Free Pumpkin Pie


Just in time for Thanksgiving!


I found a couple different vegan pumpkin pie filling recipes online and converted them to fit my desires. I baked a couple pies until really liking this one best. It helps when you’re actually prepared with all the useful ingredients.

Inspired by a few gluten-free friends, I also found quite a few gluten-fee pie crusts online and mixed and matched until I was happy with the ingredients list, taste and ease of making the crust!

VGF Pumpkin Pie Printable Recipe

*Based on a 9″ Pie Baking Dish
*< > Represent Possible Replacements

What You’ll Need:
-2 c Almond Meal Flour
-3 tbs Water
-2 tbs Coconut Oil
-1 tbs Flaxseed Meal
-1/2 tsp Vanilla
-1/4 tsp Sea Salt
-(You can add a tbs Cocoa Powder to make this a Chocolate Crust, if you’d like)

1. In a small bowl, combine Flaxseed Meal and Water <1 Egg>
2. In a small to medium mixing bowl, combine Almond Flour and Salt
2. Mix All Ingredients
3. Roll with hands until it all sticks together
4. Flatten into a glass pie baking dish. I used my knuckles to knead the dough flat and my thumbs to push the dough up the sides.
5. Brush the tops of the crust that will be showing with a little leftover Coconut Milk, so it doesn’t burn.

What You’ll Need:
-2 1/4 c Pumpkin Meat, which is 1 Medium or 2 Small Organic Baking Pumpkins
(I like to make more pumpkin meat, so we can eat raw filling! You can do that safely when it’s vegan! My daughter would kill for this raw filling.)
-1/2 c Coconut Sugar or 1/4 c Stevia
-1/4 c Full-Fat Coconut Milk
(I recommend the canned CM that you can find in the Asian isle because it usually has less ingredients and preservatives. Some are even labeled “Vegan” “Gluten-Free” “Non-GMO”)
-1/4 c 100% Maple Syrup
-3 tbs Non-GMO Corn Starch
-1 tbs Butter
(I used Earth Balance Soy Free Butter. Earth Balance makes and advertises “Vegan” “Gluten-Free” “Non-GMO” “Organic” “Soy Free”)
-2 tsp Vanilla
-1 1/2 tsp Cinnamon
-1 tsp Nutmeg
-1 tsp Cloves
-1/2 tsp Ginger

1. Preheat Oven to 375º
2. Wash Pumpkins
3. Bake Pumpkins on baking sheet for 30-45 minutes, depending on size(s). You want them to feel smooshy and be easily peeled.

Baked Pumpkins4. Hold stem up while using a knife to slice off the stem
5. Easily take peel off with hands (Be careful! It’s obviously hot. You can wait or use gloves to help you not have to wait. Or, woman up and use your bare hands like me!)

Baked Peeled Seeded Pumpkins 6. Cut pumpkin(s) in half
7. De-seed (Save seeds to bake, if so desired.)
8. Put Pumpkin Meat in a blender and blend until creamy (My daughter and I love to eat this plain too!)


Start here if you have pre-made pureed pumpkin:

1. Preheat oven to 350º
2. In a medium mixing bowl or, as I did it, in a large blender, mix Corn Starch and Maple Syrup (This is an egg replacement. You can replace this with Flaxseed Meal and Water.)
3. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix/blend until creamy and smooth
image 4. Pour into pie crust
image 5. Bake 50-55 minutes
6. Refrigerate at least 3 hours
Serve cold or warm with or without your favorite toppings!


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